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Aesthetic and Adhesive Dentistry

Full day lecture - 28.01.2022 or 22.04.2022


Aesthetic and Adhesive Dentistry

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Both dates are fully booked


Dentistry, like everything else in the world, is everchanging. We are constantly offered new products and techniques to try and give our patients the best possible outcomes.

As has been the case for many years, adhesion underpins what we do on a daily basis, but do the newer adhesives offer more than just convenience at the chairside? Is there any real benefit in terms of their performance?

In the post-pandemic practice, more and more things are being provided digitally than ever before. Are the digital processes really ready to completely replace traditional analogue treatment workflows for every clinical situation?

Are the current ‘simplified’ or ‘speedy placement’ composite materials really clinically effective? And what about the new generations of translucent zirconia materials – can they knock eMax off its perch? And how should we cement them to the tooth?

This day will focus on updating your knowledge on all of the above. We will discuss the current range of adhesive, ceramic, composite and other materials and see where they have their place in today’s clinical practice, with an emphasis on simplified workflows that can be immediately implemented in your practice.


Topics for the day

   Direct and indirect restorations for anterior teeth: direct composite, veneers, crowns

  • current concepts of adhesion to tooth tissue: total etch, self-etch or selective etch?
  • which restorative material in which situation?
  • layered vs single shade placement: choice of composite based on the clinical situation
  • digital vs analogue workflows for anterior teeth: which is better in which situation?
  • current concepts of tooth preparation design for maximum conservation with indirect restorations
  • the situations where crowns aren’t a good idea
  • cementation considerations


   Direct and indirect restorations for posterior teeth: direct composite, onlays and crowns

  • which technique in which situation?
  • the rise of bulk fill: why we may soon say goodbye to layering posterior composite
  • current concepts of tooth preparation design for maximum conservation with indirect restorations
  • update on onlays for heavily-filled posterior teeth: is it time to say goodbye to traditional crown preparations?
  • digital vs analogue workflows for anterior teeth: which is better in which situation?
  • bonding and cementation considerations



Learning objectives

  1. to examine today’s restorative materials and see how adhesive, cementation, composite and ceramic options can be best utilised for the aesthetic restoration of anterior and posterior teeth;
  2. to discuss current simplified approaches to the placement of anterior and posterior composite;
  3. to revisit traditional approaches to tooth preparation for anterior and posterior indirect restorations;
  4. to show how veneers and onlays can be an aesthetic and conservative alternative to traditional indirect restorations;
  5. to compare analogue and digital workflows for optimal treatment outcomes
  6. To examine specific evidence behind these techniques and critical appraisal of the research;
  7. To compare restoration longevity for different restorations;
  8. To give practitioners real life statistics to share with their patients when treatment planning.


The course sessions are held at our custom-built postgraduate education facility, close to London Bridge station.

Advanced Dental Seminars
11a Bell Yard Mews
Bermondsey Street
London SE1 3TN

The morning lecture starts at 9.00am and we will finish at around 5.00pm.

If you are travelling from outside London we strongly recommend that you travel up the night before the course day and stay the night before so that you are fresh for the session.

Full day lecture fee is £500 plus VAT

Tea and coffee are provided at appropriate intervals throughout the day.

A buffet lunch is provided. If you prefer to go out, there are numerous establishments offering a full range of culinary options just a few minutes’ walk away from our venue.

Please note that currently we are not able to cater for specific dietary requirements. Special care is given to provide a wide selection of options.

Q: What if I decide to withdraw from the course after booking my place? 

A: Our reservation policy allows you to cancel your booking within the first 14 days of the online booking on ADS website and you will receive a full refund of the initial payment. No refunds are given after the 14 days period for any cancellations.

All cancellations must be made in writing to email address in order to receive the full refund within the first 14 days of the booking.


Q. What happens if there is another lockdown?
We were caught up in lockdown in the middle of the 2019-20 course year. Our first action was to postpone the sessions, but as the lockdown was extended, we moved our lectures online and continued the teaching. As soon as it was possible to hold face to face gatherings, we continued with the practical parts of the sessions.
If a new lockdown is announced around the lecture date, we will act accord to the government guidelines given at the time and we will keep you all informed.
We are committed to teaching, and as long as delegates are willing to learn, we will find a way to continue.